GetYouHealthcom - Millions Start Thinking About Losing Weight For Summer
Released on = April 13, 2006, 6:40 pm
Press Release Author = TSFL
Industry = Healthcare
Press Release Summary = Winter is nearing its end and with summer fast approaching millions of men and woman are thinking about trying to fit into those bathing suits hanging the the closet. People in America and all over the world are feeling desperate to slim down their bodies as winter passes and spring begins.
Press Release Body = FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 4/13/2006
By Glenn Freiboth Certified Health Advisor Naperville, IL - Millions Start Thinking About Losing Weight For Summer
Winter is nearing its end and with summer fast approaching millions of men and woman are thinking about trying to fit into those bathing suits hanging the the closet. People in America and all over the world are feeling desperate to slim down their bodies as winter passes and spring begins. Recent studies have revealed that forty percent of American adults need to lose more than 10 pounds to feel comfortable in a bathing suit. Additionally, 30 million Americans feel they need to shed more than 40 pounds in time for bathing suit season.
Losing weight ranks as a top priority among Americans today. There are more than 48 million adults that would rather have a fit and healthy body than have great financial success, and nearly half of those polled think it\'s harder to watch their weight than to watch their dollars being spent.
With temperatures heating up and the days getting longer, Spring is a great time to start your weight loss program to get your body ready for the Summer bathing suit season.
Here are some tips to help you get started on the road to getting fit:
1) Know what your metabolic rate is. You need to know this in order to calculate how much you can take in and how much to reduce to lose weight.
2) Increase your BMR so that you are burning more calories throughout the day, every day.
3) Increase the amount of calories you burn, and you will increase the amount of fat you lose. The best way to increase your BMR is through adding muscle tissue. The more muscle mass you have the faster will your metabolism be.
4) Exercise but not just any exercise program will do for weight loss. Just burning calories is not good enough. The program must be planned to draw out specific hormonal responses that are conducive to weight loss. The key is NOT hours and hours of cardio. You must do exercise at an intensity that raises your heart rate and keeps it there for at least twenty minutes at a time and go from there.
5) Consistency is the next important part of an effective weight loss program. This one pretty much speaks for itself. You must exercise consistently to get the results you want!
6) A proper diet is the last and maybe most important of the basic elements. You can't expect to get a leaner body by continuing the typical unhealthy eating habits. Practice moderation and don't over indulge. A good rule of thumb is to not eat more than you can place in your hand at one sitting. Our culture with the garbage can lid plates that would feed four people doesn't help! Also, work on phasing out certain unhealthy foods out of your diet while introducing healthier foods. This will make the transition much smoother and a lot easier to maintain in the long run.
Contact Glenn Freiboth for more insights into this topic. Direct line: (800) 928-4008 Email:
For More Information Contact:
Glenn Freiboth Naperville, IL
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Contact Details = Glenn Freiboth P.O. Box 9211 Naperville , 60564 $$country
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